Christophe Boesch
Christophe Boesch
The unexpected passing of Professor Dr. Christophe Boesch leaves his family, friends and colleagues in profound sorrow. He succumbed to a brief illness, and his departure leaves a significant void that will be deeply felt.
The Wild Chimpanzee Foundation remains committed to his legacy and assures the continuation of its exceptional conservation efforts without any disruption.
In this challenging time, we express our utmost gratitude for your unwavering support.
Hedwige Boesch
Le décès inattendu du Professeur Dr. Christophe Boesch laisse sa famille, ses amis et ses collègues dans une profonde tristesse.
Il a succombé à une brève maladie et son départ laisse un vide important qui sera profondément ressenti.
La Wild Chimpanzee Foundation reste attachée à son héritage et assure la poursuite de ses efforts de conservation exceptionnels sans aucune interruption.
En cette période difficile, nous exprimons notre plus grande gratitude pour votre soutien indéfectible.
Hedwige Boesch
We would like to thank on behalf of Christophe for a donation to:
Médecins sans frontières |
IBAN: CH18 0024 0240 3760 6000 IBAN: DE72 3702 0500 0009 8098 04 |
Stiftung Pro Artenvielfalt |
IBAN: DE47 2501 0030 0905 9063 07 |
If you have photos of Christophe Boesch that you would like to publish on this memorial page, please send them to us by email
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You must own the copyright to the photos. Please also send us your name in the email.
After the photos have been checked, they will be published here after 24 hours at the latest.
Ruth Thomsen, am 28. August 2024 um 23:52 Uhr
Alastair Fothergill, am 23. Februar 2024 um 11:39 Uhr
Working with Christophe was always challenging, exciting and invigorating. He was always very clear with his opinions and it was not always easy to win his trust. But I admired him enormously for so many reasons:the pioneering work he and Hedwige did to start the Tai project in the first place; all he did to inspire and nurture other scientists; his passion for research and conservation; the extraordinary work of the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation; and his patience with film makers like me.
My deepest condolences go to Hedwige, his family and many friends.
SOW Mamadou Bhoye, am 18. Februar 2024 um 08:24 Uhr
Ian Gilby, am 14. Februar 2024 um 19:04 Uhr
Ilka Herbinger, am 10. Februar 2024 um 17:25 Uhr
At first it took him a while to gain trust in me as I first met him in 1992 in Tai, whilst working together with a former PhD student of Christophe in Djiroutou – in the southern part of the Tai forest – to habituate chimpanzees for an ecotourism project. Christophe did not think very highly of his former PhD student who never finished his studies and hence was not thrilled when I approached him, asking for a visit to the Tai Chimpanzee Project. Having spent one day with Christophe and the habituated north group chimps, it was clear to me that I wanted to come back and become one of his students.
When I contacted Christophe again a year later requesting to be able to do my master with him, he asked me in which University I was studying. When I told him in Frankfurt he said he had never heard about that university before, so it cannot be a good one and if I wanted to become one of his students I would need to change to a university that actually knows something about primatology and evolution… So I did change to Göttingen university and specialized in Anthropology. He finally accepted me as a master student but still tested me on my commitment by letting me habituate a new group in Tai during my master thesis.
During my master I finally gained his full trust and not only continued as a PhD student, but also as a camp manager and most importantly he entrusted me with building up the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation in West Africa, which I then led for about 12 years and really shaped my whole professional career as well as my private life afterwards.
Growing up with my mother, I never had a father figure in my life. Christophe is surely the one man in my life, that came closest to what I imagine a father is and can be … someone for whom you have deep loyalty, admiration, respect and love. Someone you also revolt against at times but you always come back and find ways to reconcile, constructively discuss and end any disagreements with a laughter and smile.
Christophe, we shared so many moments together, I will keep my endless memories awake as will all the people and chimpanzees you have encountered in your far too short life.
Adam Boyette, am 10. Februar 2024 um 12:36 Uhr
To get to the forest where there was a lot of nut foraging at the time, we had to organize a team of young men to take us on motorcycles from a small logging town down a sand-covered path to a remote village. Neither of us fell on the way in, though we both did on the way out -- no one was badly hurt, though he ended up with a cut on his leg. But the intellectual adventure was just as thrilling and more impactful.
Christophe's passion and compassion, charm, sharp intellect, and incredibly keen ability to observe behavior made a profound impression on me. We really enjoyed each other's company -- and that in conditions that many people might find extremely challenging. But we were both at home in the forest.
He gave me so much confidence as a young researcher just by giving me the opportunity to be his guide and trusting me to navigate the cultural context in which we were to do our work. Much of this work involved walking in the forest with Aka women and watching them cracking nuts. In one of the only instance of food preservation among the Aka, they make a cake out of these nuts, payu, which is dried and can be kept for months. You can grate pieces of this cake into your pot and it makes a nutty, slimy sauce, like okra. The women gave us each one of these payu cakes the day we were to leave their settlement. Christophe was very moved but refused to take it -- he said we have so much where we come from and they have so little, and they put all of that work into making this--the foraging and preparation -- this was a lot of food! They should keep it, he said, because it is too much to give us. I knew that sharing was important to them, and that they had appreciated our presence and the strange but friendly and enjoyable time we had all shared together. He was right, it was a lot of work, but they wanted us to take the gift. After all, we clearly liked these nuts, having just spent a month focused on them! I convinced Christophe that we should take just one of the cakes and share it, and all parties accepted this. I was moved by his refusal. He was right - we were already getting so much from these kind people. But we shared our time and ourselves with them too, and it was appreciated.
That short time in the forest I was lucky to have shared with Christophe impacted me, just as he has deeply impacted so many lives, human and chimpanzee. My sincerest condolences go out to Hedwige and all those closest to him. Christophe, you will be profoundly missed.
Haneul Jang, am 10. Februar 2024 um 02:04 Uhr
Elizabeth Lonsdorf, am 09. Februar 2024 um 16:27 Uhr
Morgane Allanic, am 09. Februar 2024 um 16:13 Uhr
Le monde de la primatologie et de la conservation a perdu un grand Homme. Ton départ est d'autant plus choquant qu'il y a à peine deux mois nous étions en Guinée à explorer de nouvelles forêts classées. Je mesure l'honneur et la chance d'avoir pu partager ces deux ans et demi avec toi et d'avoir pu tant apprendre. Merci d'avoir consacré ta vie à la protection et conservation des chimpanzés ainsi que pour tout ton travail en faveur des communautés locales. Je me souviendrai toujours de nos longues conversations sur les chimpanzés et les éléphants de Sabouyah, ces derniers que tu aimais tant.
Mes plus sincères condoléances à Hedwige, à vos enfants et petits enfants.
Grit Schubert, am 07. Februar 2024 um 19:15 Uhr
It was with great sadness that I learned of Christophe's sudden death. My sincere condolences go out to you and your family.
Christophe left his mark on me and will never be forgotten. I still remember how he encouraged me when, as a newcomer to the forest, I called him weekly from the only phone in Tai village to share with him my enthusiasm, but also my frustrations about life in the forest and the search for wild chimpanzees. He taught me that science is not just about knowledge, intellect and ego. I learned from him to show empathy and to take responsibility for apes, nature and people in my work.
I thank him wholeheartedly for this and hope that you, Hedwige, find some comfort in the fact that Christophe has inspired so many people.
Benjamin Debetencourt, am 07. Februar 2024 um 16:16 Uhr
Mes plus sincères condoléances Hedwige, ainsi qu´à toute votre famille.
ZABOUO ARMAND AIME, am 07. Februar 2024 um 11:18 Uhr
Merci pour ta passion à nous transmise,
Merci pour l'éco-héritage que tu nous a laissé,
Merci CB,
A jamais dans nos cœurs !
Souleymane SOUARE, am 07. Februar 2024 um 01:00 Uhr
Lisa Orth, am 06. Februar 2024 um 11:28 Uhr
When I moved to Leipzig for my master programme in biology I was first a bit dillusioned with the offers for classes in ecology. But then there was this one seminar about behavioural ecology in primates at the MPI and from the first moment on I knew that I wanted to stick around for a bit. After the seminar, several student jobs and a master thesis at the institute I can happily look back on that inspiring time, the wonderful and genius, yet humble people I met.
Grace à toi. Merci beaucoup pour ces souvenirs qui vont rester pour toujours au fond de mon cœur, des cœurs de beaucoup de personnes autour du monde qui ont reçu la chance de se connecter par leurs passions.
Mein herzlichstes Beileid an Hedwige & Familie
Luc LUBUNGA, am 06. Februar 2024 um 10:06 Uhr
Vous êtes pas mort mais plutôt au repos.
Luc LUBUNGA, am 06. Februar 2024 um 10:02 Uhr
Patrick KASANGIJ, am 05. Februar 2024 um 20:48 Uhr
Merci de pour tes efforts en faveur de la protection des chimpanzés et de la biodiversité. Nous essayons de marcher sur tes traces, c'est la seul façon pour nous de te rendre hommage . Mes condoléances à la famille, repose en paix.
Pacifique kizila, am 05. Februar 2024 um 20:20 Uhr
Astrid Eckstein, am 05. Februar 2024 um 12:39 Uhr
25 years ago, in the very early days of the MPI, I had the great fortune to get to know you as the friendly and generous person you were. I always appreciated your patience and kindness. Even though our paths crossed just for a short period of time, I have very fond memories of that time, and I will miss having you in this world. I have always followed your work from afar and I’m amazed what you have achieved, especially with the WCF. You made a real difference – not only for the chimpanzees, but also for the many people you worked with.
My heartfelt condolences to Hedwige and her children, Christhope’s family and friends and those who worked most closely with him.
Sarah Brosnan, am 04. Februar 2024 um 21:27 Uhr
Elena Lieven and Pat Devine, am 04. Februar 2024 um 17:52 Uhr
I got to know Christophe and Hedwige over many visits to see Elena when she was working at the Institute. He was a lovely man, very welcoming and generous. I can't believe he is no more. Pat
We will both miss him terribly and send all our love and sympathy to Hedwige, Lucas, Leo and all the family.
Serge Soiret, am 04. Februar 2024 um 16:40 Uhr
Homme humble et toujours disponible, vous étiez à la recherche d’un étudiant ivoirien pour des recherches sur les chimpanzés de Djouroutou, une zone du Parc de Taï oublié du monde scientifique et abritant une importante communauté de chimpanzés. Votre choix s'est porté sur ma personne.
Nos rencontres une fois chaque année en Côte d’Ivoire était toujours pour moi un moment de retrouvaille et de grande joie dans la forêt de Djouroutou. Merci Professeur de m’avoir donné cette chance d’étudier les chimpanzés. Grâce à vous j’ai connu ma première expérience de marche nocturne en forêt. Votre esprit sera toujours présent dans la forêt de Taï principalement dans la zone de Djouroutou où vous avez contribué significativement à l’habituation des chimpanzés de cette partie du parc.
J’adresse mes sincères condoléances à Hedwige, ses enfants et aux proches de Christophe Boesch.
Rest in Peace Mentor.
Karline Janmaat, am 04. Februar 2024 um 12:32 Uhr
In those words, I found in Christophe’s department a second home. Christophe supported me after I had sent crazy “to all” emails to express my opinion about the incorrect order of co-authors on scientific papers. It made us both laugh afterward. And he gave me opportunities that I believe no one else would have given. He enabled Simone and me to follow one chimpanzee, Isha, for 53 consecutive days and in three subsequent years while mapping 15,000 feeding trees in her territory. I remember when I started this project, Christina came to me in the hallway asking me if I knew that the money, I spent for our fieldwork was paid by German taxpayers. I did not immediately know how to reply, but I knew I had Christophe’s support to start this almost insane endeavor to really get into the mind of a chimpanzee and to learn what they needed for survival - to understand their ways of thinking.
Later he gave me the opportunity to conduct the same study with the BaYaka, to not only compare the WEIRD with captive chimps but to expand our horizon of knowledge on what makes us human. It could have been career suicide, comparing African people to chimpanzees, but with the support of Christophe, I found the necessary courage to do it. He gave me courage; no scientific challenge was impossible for me in his presence.
Now in the Netherlands, I have become a professor myself. For 9 years now I have taught young students about the research we did with Simone on the chimps and with Haneul on the BaYaka. And every year I see a couple of wondering eyes. The research captivates the student’s attention and changes the way they think about chimps, but also themselves. And many of them apply for PhD positions to discover more about our closest living relatives and themselves. Every year, I get reminded of the opportunities Christophe gave me and in that way, he lives on.
I believe that Christophe is and will stay with us for some time. After the passing of my mum, I saw an abnormal number of rainbows when my brother and I would meet to for example go to the notary. It was maybe because I had become more attentive to these things. But I like to think differently. Christophe is anyways still part of us in who we became and in the way we choose to live. I hope that can give some consolation to his loved ones. I wish them time to fully process their loss.
Julia Cissewski, am 04. Februar 2024 um 09:10 Uhr
On behalf of the members of Orang-Utans in Not e.V. (Orangutans in Need) I send our heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
Christophe’s energy and persistence in protecting wild chimpanzees has been an inspiration also for those of us concerned with the survival of other great ape species. This includes our organization, which aims to protect orangutans on Borneo and Sumatra.
And the work continues, as Christophe would wish. We shall try to match his passion and commitment, as a fitting way of remembering him.
To you personally we offer our concern and support at this very difficult time.
Julia Cissewski
President, Orang-Utans in Not e.V.
Volker Sommer, am 04. Februar 2024 um 07:16 Uhr
Julia Lehmann, am 03. Februar 2024 um 18:32 Uhr
JOHN MITANI, am 03. Februar 2024 um 17:07 Uhr
I met Christophe over 30 years ago in the best of all places for those of us who conduct research on chimpanzees, Gombe National Park. I was new to the study of chimpanzees, and Christophe had already contributed much to our knowledge about them. I took advantage of this wonderful opportunity, and picked his brain asking him many questions. After that initial meeting, I saw Christophe from time to time over the years – again at Gombe, the MPI-EVA, the occasional academic meeting, and during a memorable visit he made to Ngogo. He was always genial and kind, and I was grateful for the time we had to talk, especially about the chimpanzees we studied and loved. I regret that I won’t have those times again. Christophe’s life has been tragically cut short, and with his passing, wild chimpanzees have lost a powerful voice to advocate for their conservation. They and many others will miss him.
Sylvina Vierke, am 03. Februar 2024 um 13:42 Uhr
Christophe hat mich vor vielen, vielen Jahren am MPI eingestellt. Unsere Gespräche waren stets interessant und "arbeitsfördernd". Ich habe sehr gern mit ihm zusammengearbeitet und werde ihn stets in guter Erinnerung behalten.
Mit stillem Gruß und mitfühlender Anteilnahme...
Susan Perry, am 03. Februar 2024 um 03:26 Uhr
Anna Preis, am 02. Februar 2024 um 22:49 Uhr
My own little family would not exist if Christophe had not sent me to Gabon to help with the habituation of chimpanzees in Loango National Park (before my PhD) and to Guinea to help establish Moyen Bafing National Park (after my PhD). He has supported me enormously over the years and I have learned so much from him, for which I will be eternally grateful.
Christophe was an extraordinary person who made the impossible possible and fought tirelessly for the survival of the wild West African chimpanzees. I have no doubt that the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation will continue his extraordinary conservation work successfully.
With heartfelt sympathy, Anna, Eric and Malia
Annerose Beck, am 02. Februar 2024 um 13:38 Uhr
mir ist es leider in meiner Arbeit im Sächsischen Wissenschaftsministe rium nur ein mal vergönnt gewesen, Professor Christophe Boesch auch persönlich zu begegnen und mit ihm ins Gespräch zu kommen. Seine Leidenschaft für die Primatenforschung, sein Wortwitz und seine Menschlichkeit werden mir jedoch immer in Erinnerung bleiben. Es sind diese Begegnungen, die unser Menschsein am Ende ausmachen, dafür bin ich ihm unendlich dankbar.
Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Kraft und Zuversicht.
Mit aufrichtiger Anteilnahme und tiefem Mitgefühl
Annerose Beck
David Watts, am 02. Februar 2024 um 03:17 Uhr
Frans de Waal, am 02. Februar 2024 um 01:57 Uhr
Ammie Kalan, am 01. Februar 2024 um 23:59 Uhr
Thank you for challenging me, for giving me the privilege of studying chimpanzees as my career, for being my Doktorvater and always supporting me when I needed it most. I will do my best to keep your zest for adventure and passion for apes at the very heart of my work.
Jan Engelmann, am 01. Februar 2024 um 21:30 Uhr
Bettina Behrend, PhD, am 01. Februar 2024 um 21:21 Uhr
Liebe Hedwige,
Familie und Angehörige,
Im Namen aller Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Vereins Rettet den Regenwald e.V. sende ich meine herzliche Anteilnahme zum Tod Deines Mannes Christophe Boesch. In diesem schweren Moment sind wir mit Dir, Deiner Familie und dem Team der WCF.
Wir haben Christophe Boesch als bewundernswerten Primatenforscher kennen und schätzen gelernt. Mit der WCF hat er eine Organisation aufgebaut und geleitet, die sich wie keine andere dem Schutz der Schimpansen verschrieben hat.
Wir haben Christophe als engagiert, kompetent und dabei bescheiden erlebt. Sein persönlicher Zugang zu den Menschen hat uns inspiriert. Ihm ist es zu verdanken, dass der Primatenschutz der WCF den Charakter von Graswurzelprojekten hat. Mich persönlich hat ein Projekt von überwiegend weiblichen Ecoguards begeistert.
Dieses vielfältige Erbe wird fortbestehen.
Liebes WCF-Team, wir sind überzeugt davon, dass die Zukunft der Organisation bei Euch weiterhin in guten Händen ist. Christophe Boesch wird auch uns fehlen.
Ich wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie viel Kraft und Zuversicht in dieser schweren Zeit.
Bettina Behrend
1. Vorsitzende Rettet den Regenwald e.V.
Joseph ANO, am 01. Februar 2024 um 19:26 Uhr
Je garderai toujours le souvenir d'un "grand Monsieur " d'une gentillesse extrême, humain, disponible, et qui aimait raconter avec passion l'amour de son métier et le distillé aux autres
Soyez certain que le Prof. BOESCH ne quittera jamais notre mémoire et permettez-moi de vous (chère famille et proches du Prof Christophe) adresser mes plus sincères condoléances.
Dieu a donné ; Dieu a repris ! Que son âme repose en paix !
Shelly Masi, am 01. Februar 2024 um 17:59 Uhr
I still cannot believe what has happened to a great man like you, after travelling so much and bringing back your experience and expertise to all of us from everywhere in the forested world!!!
I will never forget what you did for all of us when we were students at the Max provided us with your scientific criticism and scientific intelligence! I personally learned a lot from you! And I will never forget how, behind your initial stern appearance, you were in reality such a sunny and positive person!
My warmest thoughts and deepest condolences go, of course, to Hedwige and your kids...
You will always be in each of us .... in what we are today as primatologists!
Grazie mille for all you have done for us and for our beloved great apes!
Julia Fischer, am 01. Februar 2024 um 17:25 Uhr
Susan Hachgenei, am 01. Februar 2024 um 15:21 Uhr
Merci, Christophe!
Ban Simone, am 01. Februar 2024 um 15:14 Uhr
Things went well, and you wanted to continue the adventure with me all the way to the PhD. By your side, I learned a lot and became stronger, more confident, and mature in my work. I enjoyed working with you. You are a role model who inspires me, I will always remember you; your name evokes respect, rigor, relevance, simplicity, intelligence…
Christophe, we will miss you a lot... Your departure is already being felt…
Thank you for everything. You can leave in peace, knowing that you have left a mark on me and on each of your students and collaborators to continue your commitment to the protection of chimpanzees and nature in general.
Thank you for everything, and rest in peace the great warrior.
JoJo Head, am 01. Februar 2024 um 13:28 Uhr
I ended up spending 7 years working with Christophe on the Loango Ape Project - with memories, adventures and experiences too numerous to recount, but suffice to say it is and probably will always be the most extraordinary time of my life, and Christophe was a very large part of that adventure.
Once in Gabon it quickly became clear to me that "Forest Christophe" had a young and adventurous spirit that was not evident during my interview, and I quickly learned that not even the craziest or most hare-brained ideas were off limits with him. During that first month we spent together exploring the forests of Loango, looking for a good location to set up a research camp, he was sometimes like a naughty schoolboy, hating the mundanity of planning and logistics and just wanting to run about in the forest exploring. His excitement, enthusiasm, magnetism and curiousity were so infectious, and I learned so much from him over many years spent exploring those forests together. I learned about chimpanzees, about humanity, about always having an open mind and always looking for smallest details, and about how to smell a fresh chimpanzee nest from 100m away!
More recently I worked with Christophe as part of the Moyen Bafing National Park chimpanzee monitoring programme, and it was a delight to reconnect with him after so many years, his character unchanged, just with a whiter head of hair and still impressive moustache. The untimely loss of Christophe has hit me harder than I could have predicted, my heart aches for Hedwige, for his children and grandchildren, for his WCF and PanAf family and for everyone who knew him. I feel so lucky to have known Christophe, and to have always got the best most playful version of him, where he was happiest, in the forest searching for chimpanzees.
Barbara Fruth, am 01. Februar 2024 um 09:18 Uhr
A toi, à tes enfants et aux enfants de tes enfants, je voudrais présenter mes sincères condoléances pour le décès soudain et bien trop précoce de Christophe. Cela fait bien 35 ans que nous nous sommes rencontrés pour la toute première fois et je suis reconnaissante pour les bons moments que nous avons passés. L'engagement infatigable de Christophe pour sauver les chimpanzés sauvages en liberté, pour préserver leur espace vital, est exemplaire et se poursuivra bien au-delà de sa mort.
Avec toute ma sympathie,
Daniel Hanus, am 01. Februar 2024 um 08:23 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Jörg Junhold, am 31. Januar 2024 um 09:59 Uhr
Liebe Hedwige,
liebe Familie und Angehörige,
im Namen aller Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Zoo Leipzig übermittle ich Dir und Deiner Familie unsere aufrichtige Anteilnahme zum Tod Deines Mannes Christophe Boesch. Der Moment des Abschieds von einem geliebten Menschen, ist der Moment im Leben, in dem die Welt still zu stehen scheint. Unsere Gedanken sind bei Dir und Deiner Familie.
Dein Mann war mit seiner Arbeit im Bereich der Verhaltensforschung mit Menschenaffen einzigartig. Er hat mich, sowie viele andere Kolleginnen und Kollegen in der Zoo Welt mit seinem Wissen und seiner Forschung tief beeindruckt. Mit der Gründung des Max-Planck-Instituts in Leipzig wurden in der Zusammenarbeit zwischen einer wissenschaftlichen Einrichtung und einem Zoo ganz neue Wege begründet, die bis heute und auch in Zukunft gemeinsam beschritten werden.
Aber auch als Mensch habe ich Christophe sehr geschätzt. Unvergessen bleibt für mich unsere gemeinsame Exkursion in den Taϊ Nationalpark im Jahr 2007. Der Wald, die Schimpansen, die einheimischen Menschen und das tiefe, innige Verhältnis von Christophe dazu, haben mich tief bewegt. Unsere gemeinsamen Gespräche werde ich für immer in guter Erinnerung bewahren.
Ich wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie viel Kraft und Zuversicht in dieser schweren Zeit.
In tiefem Mitgefühl
Prof. Dr. Jörg Junhold
im Namen aller Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Zoo Leipzig
Tetsuro Matsuzawa, am 31. Januar 2024 um 09:20 Uhr
Bernard Comrie, am 30. Januar 2024 um 19:37 Uhr
Thank you, Christophe, for showing me that compassion to my fellow humans must be matched by compassion to our closest kin.
Thank you, Christophe, for making me a better scientist, and a better human being.
Mike Tomasello, am 30. Januar 2024 um 17:59 Uhr
Fernando Colchero, am 30. Januar 2024 um 15:44 Uhr
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